Re: O.K. Thanks so much Catherine (no msg)
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Posted by Eve on January 06, 2000 at 16:04:28:
In Reply to: Re: I have a question on patterns posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 06, 2000 at 15:59:09:
: I was talking to a Pakistani fellow the other day who says that his : brother in New Jersey does henna for their family festivities, and : that his henna was minutely detailled and complex ..... like intensely : patterned Koranic miniatures. So, yes, the hair-thin henna patterns : are in vogue, at least with a New Jersey Khan family. : YOu might ask if they have holiday greetings, like "Peace" that they : would like in the henna pattern ... and ask them to write it out on : paper first. The Pakistani fellow liked the pattern I had on my hand : at the time that said "a-salaam" (Ah, peace, or Oh, wonderful), though : he could just make it out in the Arabic I had written, as he was more : familiar with Urdu.