Okay guys, some particulars about growing henna. . .
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Posted by P.J. on January 08, 2000 at 01:18:59:
I recieved my little henna plant from Companion Plants--very healthy, small, but healthy. All went well for about a day, when it dropped about five leaves. Not bad considering that it came with fourteen. Frankly, I'm a little worried that I'm not taking care of it properly. I've read past messages in some of the archives, and have been able to piece together some things in regards to cultivating Lawsonia Intermis. But I would like to make sure of the following things: 1.) What kind of light? direct sun? Indirect "North Window?" 2.) Soil: Moist? Dry? In between? How in between? 3.) Room temperature: warm and dry, right? I don't mean to nit-pick at this, but I want to make sure I'm doing things right. In addition, if anyone knows what might be wrong with Lamu (yes, I named him/her Lamu) I would love to hear what it could be. If there are any little hints or tips you could give, I'D LOVE TO HEAR THAT TOO!! Thanks everyone!!!