Hey Guys I'm Back ......and a henna party preparation begins

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Posted by MyST on January 08, 2000 at 02:59:30:

Hey all, hope you had a safe and fun
holiday. Frank and I were in LA with the
family, I hardly had time to read email and
information from the list, but I tried to catch
up tonight. All the info on the Nanveet
publications is REALLY fun and helpful. I
ordered all but 2 books, and plan to use
them in fests this upcoming summer.

This Sunday, the bellydancing school is
holding its 7th annual Henna Party. I'm so
excited as Cassandra herself asked me to
be in charge of henna. Here's my problem,
they want me to use THEIR henna, stuff that
was leftover from last year. I hope it still
has some kick to it. I'm thinking soaking it
overnight in lemon juice only might be the
way to go, adding just enough eucalyptus to
get the consistency right, maybe a tad of
honey. Any suggestions for resurrecting the
stuff???? I mean if I open it up and it's totally
gray or something, I'm going to have to dip
into my Castle Art stash.......

So this is a big party, and I'm going to
provide ziploc baggies for cones, and
countless patterns (of course much props to
Catherine)...and I will do henna, and we are
all going to sit around and have fun and
play. Should be a great time. I think I may
bring along a tip jar for those who want me
to apply their henna for them....any
suggestions would be GREATLY



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