Re: Cones of henna
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on January 10, 2000 at 15:31:40:
In Reply to: Cones of henna posted by Michelle on January 10, 2000 at 14:49:38:
There is a color sequence as the dye is released from henna. About 12-24 hours after you mix your henna paste at 70F, you get a dark dye release that's ready to bind with your skin. (Burgundy, coffee, chocolate, red, depends on the batch) This stays at peak to about 24 hours after mixing paste. Then, the color of the stain slowly degrades. I've been told that this is because hennotannic acid is a dimer, and it's reactivity decreases over time. In any case, the browns and reds slowly degrade to wuss orange. When your paste is exposed to air, heat and light, this sequence proceeds more quickly. When your paste is kept lightproof, airtight, and cold, the sequence slows. Put your nicely sealed cones next to the popsicles in the freezer!