Re: Any advise for a beginner?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 15, 1998 at 15:52:53:
In Reply to: Any advise for a beginner? posted by Lori on March 14, 1998 at 17:33:34:
Our mini-kits are meant to be useful to someone beginning a small mehandi enterprise....There are 5 patterns in each kit (many, many different pattern cards, like baseball cards) with 1 oz. red henna powder, instructions and aplicator. Every time you re-order henna you'll get more patterns to keep in a notebook so you can more easily talk to your clients about what they'd like to have....I usually start the conversation with "what blessings do you wish to have in your hands?" and then I pull out the pattern book snd show them the variations of patterns for wealth, peace, tranquility, inspiration, compassion, ...... and we go from there. Ther mini-kits are $5 retail, or $2.50 each for more than 12...some more discounts for over 100.... we ship next day from email orders to www.mehandi.com .If you're really a beginner, start with our regular kit ($15 retail) which has a 16 page book of history, lore, traditions, mixing instructions, application meathods 30 patterns, henna and applicators. Then, fill out with the minikits, which are also packaged to be easy to retail. Other than that, read every last thing you can find on the internet and get an overview about henna....especially this Henna Page (all hail The Henna Page, it's outstanding!) and check www.mehandi.com from time to time, we'll always have new free patterns posted for you to use.