Re: Any advise for a beginner?
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Posted by CRYSTAL on March 15, 1998 at 19:11:29:
In Reply to: Re: Any advise for a beginner? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 15, 1998 at 15:52:53:
: Our mini-kits are meant to be useful to someone beginning a small : mehandi enterprise....There are 5 patterns in each kit (many, many : different pattern cards, like baseball cards) with 1 oz. red henna : powder, instructions and aplicator. Every time you re-order henna : you'll get more patterns to keep in a notebook so you can more easily : talk to your clients about what they'd like to have....I usually start : the conversation with "what blessings do you wish to have in your : hands?" and then I pull out the pattern book snd show them the : variations of patterns for wealth, peace, tranquility, inspiration, : compassion, ...... and we go from there. Ther mini-kits are $5 : retail, or $2.50 each for more than 12...some more discounts for over : 100.... we ship next day from email orders to www.mehandi.com .If : you're really a beginner, start with our regular kit ($15 retail) : which has a 16 page book of history, lore, traditions, mixing : instructions, application meathods 30 patterns, henna and applicators. : Then, fill out with the minikits, which are also packaged to be easy : to retail. : Other than that, read every last thing you can find on the internet : and get an overview about henna....especially this Henna Page (all : hail The Henna Page, it's outstanding!) and check www.mehandi.com : from time to time, we'll always have new free patterns posted for you : to use.