Re: syringes

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Posted by Kenzi on January 11, 2000 at 23:23:14:

In Reply to: Re: syringes posted by Natasha Papousek on January 11, 2000 at 20:37:57:

: The one nice thing about the Body Art Exhibit in NYC (go, if you
: was that in the tiny henna corner, there were 3 45-second videos of
: women applying henna -- a Moroccan woman using a syringe, a
: woman using a cone, and a New Yorker using a Jacquard bottle.

: I was really impressed with the fast and easy technique of the
: Moroccan woman -- I've tried syringes and found it difficult on my
: thumb to maintain proper pressure. My lines were wobbly, uneven
: subject to the sudden BLOB...I greatly admire anyone who can master
: syringe for henna!

I totally agree. The first time I had henna done in Morocco she used
a syringe and was lightning quick with it. And all the while she's
chatting with the other women in the room, yelling at her kids,
greeting newcomers, order around someone to get the charcoal
brazier. I just sat there mute and amazed by how fast and accurate
she was and how well she could multitask. Now that I have tried the
syringe I am even more amazed.


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