Re: syringes
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on January 11, 2000 at 20:37:57:
In Reply to: Syringe update posted by Kenzi on January 11, 2000 at 19:39:59:
The one nice thing about the Body Art Exhibit in NYC (go, if you can!) was that in the tiny henna corner, there were 3 45-second videos of women applying henna -- a Moroccan woman using a syringe, a Pakistani woman using a cone, and a New Yorker using a Jacquard bottle. I was really impressed with the fast and easy technique of the Moroccan woman -- I've tried syringes and found it difficult on my thumb to maintain proper pressure. My lines were wobbly, uneven and subject to the sudden BLOB...I greatly admire anyone who can master a syringe for henna!