New Skin removal
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Posted by Eliz. on January 12, 2000 at 19:21:45:
In Reply to: Re: New Skin convert posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 11, 2000 at 02:30:05:
: I think you need to really help people understand that the NS WILL : come off....and patience is important. Some more tricks, besides oil or water - 1. apply more New Skin - it dissolves the old and will wipe off. (Expensive and odorous, though.) 2. After NS, apply several layers of the facial mask mixture. When you peel that off, the NS will generally come with it. 3. Stick tape firmly onto the NS and pull it off. Caution: the tape will also take the top layer of any skin it adheres to directly, so either do this exactly once (before any of the ns is off) or do it carefully so you don't get any henna'd skin in contact with the tape. 4. Find a youngster or someone who's a habitual picker, make them wash their hands, then let them at it. (Involves some trust, of course...) Okay, that last one's not very practical under normal circumstances.