Re: Camphor
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Posted by Jenna on January 18, 2000 at 14:07:36:
In Reply to: Re: Camphor posted by P.J. on January 18, 2000 at 02:44:30:
: The camphor oxidized the henna and darkens it to brown?? And you can : use it on other places than your feet?? : Do you think that it would work if I applied a good layer of Vix : Vapor rub to a freshly hennaed area? Or will the petroleum Jelly in : it prevent the camphor from working? Vicks does work nice after your henna is scraped off, and so do the muscle rubs . You can also make homemade stuff using your favorite oils and moisturizers. Just mix a little camphor ( a few drops) with it, and make sure you keep it seperate from your other lotions.
- WOW! P.J. 15:00:00 1/19/00