Re: handwarmers - 2 types
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on January 18, 2000 at 17:01:48:
In Reply to: handwarmers - 3 types posted by Eliz. on January 15, 2000 at 15:49:32:
This little warmer heats up on contact with air. It's a one-time-use and gets really warm. I'm using one now in the office to keep my design warm post paste. No microwaves involved. Just open the packet. I think it would be a good thing to give to clients b/c it's cheap (1.50 for 2), very portable, and warm. I also have one of those crystal heating pads that you boil to re-use and love it. No plugs and it stays warm for a long time, but gradually cools so it's safe for night-time use. My heating pad automatically turns itself off after 20 minutes. I also like using a "beanbag" -- filled with flaxseeds and nice- smelling herbs. I heat them in the microwave for about an hour of aromatic warmth