more basic instincts....
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 21, 2000 at 19:54:20:
In Reply to: YUSUF AND ZULAIKHA posted by Michelle on January 21, 2000 at 13:40:25:
There are some great medieval illustrations of this poem (originally by Jami, Timurid period, Persia) ... I have one here, a manuscipt painting from 1488 of Zulaykha and Yusuf by Bihzad ..... one of my favorites! .... (this story supposed to be a riff on Joseph and Potifar's wife from the Bible.....) The miniature shows Zulayka trying to pull his robe off and drag him into bed, in a marvelous palace with 7 doors. Zulaykha seems to have tattooing or a little henna on the backs of her hands, she does have a harquus or tattoo mark on her forehead, but no palms or fingers are showing. Zulaykha built a palace with seven splendid rooms of erotic paintings of herself with Yusuf .(!). and she led him from one room to the next locking the doors behind them. Then at the innermost room, she tried to jump his bones, but he miraculously fled. (who's "letters to Penthouse" fantasy was that?) The notion is that since there would have been no witnesses, he could have capitulated, but he felt God was watching, and when he decided to run for it, God opened all the doors. No pet rabbit subsequently showed up in his stewpot.