Re: Skin prep'
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Posted by Kenzi on January 25, 2000 at 02:49:43:
In Reply to: Skin prep' posted by Michelle on January 24, 2000 at 13:23:22:
: What is the best skin prep', when you are not near soapy water etc, : and preferably not euc' oil, after my recent reaction to it, I'm not : keen to put it on anyone else. I usually use a slice of lemon to : clean and prepare my clients skin, but is there something else or : something better, or is the lemon enough or totally unnecessary? I usually keep a little baggie of alcohol prep pads in my henna kit. You can pick up a box of 100 of them in most drugstores. They are individually wrapped so they won't dry out. The alcohol usually gets rids of any dirt or oil and even lotion.