Re: Henna and hair. . . a bundle of questions
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Posted by Natalie on January 25, 2000 at 04:57:07:
In Reply to: Henna and hair. . . a bundle of questions posted by P.J. on January 25, 2000 at 03:25:44:
Some companies sell henna in different shades. Rainbow and Light Mountain have a large variety from neutral, red, brown to black. You make a paste of the henna powder, but lots more liquid than the paste you would use on your hands. Add boiling water and other things if you don't like the way the henna smells. (some people don't.) Light Mountain has a list of spices and teas you can add to enhance different shades. They also come with plastic cap and gloves, but their brand doesn't do a good job staining the skin, and its powder has leaf and twig fragments that are too big for hand design even after its sifted several times. Some Vaseline on the skin will help keep the henna from staining. If your hair isn't already red or if its darker than light brown you probably only have highlights if you use a shade of red. Don't use metal utensils of bowls while mixing the paste because it can cause it to turn colors. Avoid chlorine, and I have heard its not good to henna over chemically treated hair. Hope this helps. Natalie