Follow up on black henna -need reply in 5 hours.

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Posted by Kelsey on January 26, 2000 at 23:15:25:

This is in response to that question about the black henna I was going
to purchase...I emailed the seller that I thought their henna would
cause chemical burns. Here is what they emailed me back. What do you
all think? Should I buy it?


>I just wanted to let you know that I also did research on the henna in
>question- it does not contain the PPDs that many persons have had a >reaction
>to- if it did I would not sell it.
>Since there are a lot of rumors running around about black henna and a >lot
>of people are wary of it, I can understand that you would not want to >use it
>in your practice. I just wanted to get in touch and let you know that >we
>have looked into the black henna before listing it on Ebay.

>Thanks for bidding and please let me know if we can help you with >>>>Bindis or
>anything else!

>Heather at profoundia


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