Re: Follow up on black henna -need reply in 5 hours.
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Posted by Heather at Profoundia on March 26, 2000 at 21:30:20:
In Reply to: Follow up on black henna -need reply in 5 hours. posted by Kelsey on January 26, 2000 at 23:15:25:
Hi all, Found my name on a search engine and so I decided to come and say hi!;) I decided to sell "black henna" mostly because a lot of folks were asking me about making a tattoo look. If you visit my website, "Profoundia" you will see that we carry a great number of bindis and fewer henna supplies. I originally began to sell henna supplies more because of requests from customers- as I am not a professional mehndi artist. I do my research before adding a new product or making claims about it. The black henna rumors surprised me- but having dealt with skin sensitivity myself, I really wanted to find out what it is that could be causing these reactions that people were having. I found a number of resources that mentioned PPDs as the source of skin irritations and "burning". This link gives useful information on PPD allergy. As far as the dye in our henna, I spoke directly with the manufacturer, Radico, to find out what ingredients were in the dye. I made a label for the henna- since I figured that my customers would like to know the scoop on what's in there! The only one I didn't recognize was CI 50420. CI stands for "color index". To find the chemical ingredientso f this cosmetic dye go to this link. So there you have my research on this topic. I really am a big fan of black in general, so it seemed natural to play with black henna. I myself suffer from diverse allergies, so I can totally understand concerns related to putting dyes and chemicals on your skin. It was my intent to offer people the choice of a black product , but I also wanted everyone to know that I also back up that choice up with with genuine concern for your safety. Please feel free to email me directly if you have any questions or just want to say hello! Heather Duke
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