Re: Sifting and Xena
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Posted by NaturGirl on January 27, 2000 at 03:08:10:
In Reply to: Re: Sifting and Xena posted by Henna diva on January 27, 2000 at 00:22:04:
: Regarding the henna from Indian grocery stores, unless it is really, : really fresh, it probably won't work well. The best way to check is : to smell the package; if it smells like it could be a plant it's : probably OK. Personally, whenever I've checked Indo-Pak stores, the : packages have been really OLD, but if you're from New York, for : example, the shipments and consumption might be more regular. : A lot of people on this board suggest Castle Art henna -- maybe you : ought to try them! : Good luck and happy henna'ing! I had noticed the posts about Castle Art, I am intrigued but am afraid I wouldn't use it fast enough. THats why I liked the small pkgs I found. I did notice that the quality varies quite a bit but did find some that was fragrant, fine and VERY beautiful bright green. I figure if I am choosy I can find what I want. But I will also have to sift it more. I figure right now I'm still in the experimental stage anyway. Also I forgot to include the name of the Xena Episode..Between the lines. I have it on tape but its hard to see most of the designs, when they are facing the camera they are at a distance. Its for that same reason that the pics I do have are blurry and hard to make out details. When they did shoot close ups it was mostly from the side, or at an angle therefore hard to see the designs themselves.