Re: Sifting and Xena
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Posted by Henna diva on January 27, 2000 at 00:22:04:
In Reply to: Sifting and Xena posted by NaturGirl on January 26, 2000 at 04:15:14:
Regarding the henna from Indian grocery stores, unless it is really, really fresh, it probably won't work well. The best way to check is to smell the package; if it smells like it could be a plant it's probably OK. Personally, whenever I've checked Indo-Pak stores, the packages have been really OLD, but if you're from New York, for example, the shipments and consumption might be more regular. A lot of people on this board suggest Castle Art henna -- maybe you ought to try them! Good luck and happy henna'ing! P.S. I didn't see the designs first time I watched Xena; now I know to keep an eye out. :) : I have just finished catching up reading the postings for the last : month or so. WHEW! What a wealth of info!I have become interested in : mehndi in the last year, and have so far only experimented with prefab : kits. I want to start mixing my own and have a few basic questions. : Is it ok to use the pkgd henna powder from indian grocery stores? I : gather that it needs to be sifted first. I am currently working on a : bag of henna using old pantyhose streched across a bowl and a soup : spoon. I read that somewhere. Can anyone suggest a more efficient : method? Somewhere I saw someone make reference to a sift-o-matic, and : wondered if you had a gadget or were just being sarcastic. Another : question is regarding the TV show Xena. Last season they were in : India and one episode in particular centered around mehndi. They used : some DROP DEAD GORGEOUS designs! I wondered if anyone had sketches of : the patterns from that episode. I am getting Married in early March : and was hoping to adapt the patterns for the wedding. but so far have : only gotten a few fuzzy pictures and one sketch. WHat I love about : them is that they are not so tiny and intricate and complicated. They : are more elegant and simple and graceful. If anyone can help me find : more info on that as well I would be SO GRATEFUL! I heard that they : were mostly transfers done by a co. called Temptu, but couldnt find : the designs I wanted most on their website, I'm guessing they were : custom jobs. ANy help out there??? Thanks in advance!!