Sifting and Xena
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Posted by NaturGirl on January 26, 2000 at 04:15:14:
I have just finished catching up reading the postings for the last month or so. WHEW! What a wealth of info!I have become interested in mehndi in the last year, and have so far only experimented with prefab kits. I want to start mixing my own and have a few basic questions. Is it ok to use the pkgd henna powder from indian grocery stores? I gather that it needs to be sifted first. I am currently working on a bag of henna using old pantyhose streched across a bowl and a soup spoon. I read that somewhere. Can anyone suggest a more efficient method? Somewhere I saw someone make reference to a sift-o-matic, and wondered if you had a gadget or were just being sarcastic. Another question is regarding the TV show Xena. Last season they were in India and one episode in particular centered around mehndi. They used some DROP DEAD GORGEOUS designs! I wondered if anyone had sketches of the patterns from that episode. I am getting Married in early March and was hoping to adapt the patterns for the wedding. but so far have only gotten a few fuzzy pictures and one sketch. WHat I love about them is that they are not so tiny and intricate and complicated. They are more elegant and simple and graceful. If anyone can help me find more info on that as well I would be SO GRATEFUL! I heard that they were mostly transfers done by a co. called Temptu, but couldnt find the designs I wanted most on their website, I'm guessing they were custom jobs. ANy help out there??? Thanks in advance!!