Re: Oh no, not again
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Posted by Jeremy Rowntree on January 31, 2000 at 18:49:24:
In Reply to: can us Muslims ACTUALLY be coming to a site made by a MAN!!?!?!? posted by don't care to give on January 31, 2000 at 03:44:49:
In some cultures it is considered rude to belch at the dinner table. In other cultures it is considered rude *not* to belch, otherwise your host will believe you did not enjoy your meal. This may seem slightly off-topic, but it does illustrate that no one culture can claim to speak for the whole world. As to the case in point, the other posters have very ably put most of the points I was going to make. Thanks, one and all - the support is appreciated. What you may not all realise is that I receive messages of this sort by email about once a month. Most of them are anonymous, but for those with a valid email address, I reply explaining that henna has been around for a lot longer than its usage by muslims. I also say how sorry I am that almost the only contact I get from muslims reinforces this insular "It's ours and no one else should touch it, or even know about it" attitude. Finally, I ask them if they would be willing to provide me with some details of how they view henna usage, so that I can add it to the page. I have never once received a reply. Incidentally, though Catherine did put her description most elegantly, I didn't actually create this site for Fiona. I created it because of the interest shown in my picture of henna on the web. I am indebted to Fiona though, for providing me with most of my early sources of information. See the Intro link below for more details.