thus ever were trolls and devout believers (in their own infallibility)
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on January 31, 2000 at 19:11:11:
In Reply to: Re: Oh no, not again posted by Jeremy Rowntree on January 31, 2000 at 18:49:24:
You and Fiona understand, of course, that, handed a wind-up toy, I can't resist giving it a full twist! ....just to watch it spin around..... There is a a lamentable notion that occasionally masquerades under the guise of Muslim tradition, that no woman could possibly have such intelligence and forthrightness that she could set up a forum on her own, and that a husband would have to do such at her request. I thought I'd give that notion a tweek. There are ideas and practices that are passing themselves off as Muslim that would horrify the Prophet and all of his wives and daughters just as gravely as some fundamantalist Christians' behaviour surely deeply embarrass their namesake. Of course, then, there are also idiots, fools and adolescent trolls who just can't seem to find anything else to do with their 10 fingers......