Re: queries from the language-impaired
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 01, 2000 at 15:39:40:
In Reply to: queries from the language-impaired posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 01, 2000 at 02:53:53:
Another one ... "kyprosstaude" that produces "ein beleibtes duftendes Oil-gab" from ""Lawsonia alba, Alhenna, Cyperblume in Hohenliede Salom. I, 14, die aber erst Theophrast, Discorides, Plinius beschreiben." Ritter, 1844, vol. 11, pp. 577-78 "Die Erdkunde im Verhaltnis zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen, oder allgemeine vergleichende Geographie. " The discussion at hand is whether "kyprosstaude" and other cyperus related words are referring to henna .... some authors think they refer to the flowering henna tree rather than the bush kept plucked short for dye ... and that is a correct assumption it answers a whole pile of questions.......