Re: Henna goes under a different file...
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Posted by Balynda on February 01, 2000 at 16:10:12:
In Reply to: Henna goes under a different file... posted by Giselle on January 31, 2000 at 17:17:40:
I do have a couple of tattoos. I really like them. I also do a lot of henna. Keep mine as dark and fresh looking as I can. Tattooing and henna are two separate things. I have my tattoos as a permanent reminder of my husband's and my love for each other. The henna designs change with whatever is coming up. I'm not Muslim or Hindu but I do henna to celebrate certain holidays and other things (like MY birthday. Then I treat myself and get someone else to do it for me.) I even overlay the henna designs over the tattoo around my left wrist. The black tattoo looks wonderful under the deep red of the henna. I've found that most people here just say "what on earth is that around your wrist (or on your hand or feet)." And henna is not a wusses tattoo. It takes a lot longer to sit through a henna session than it does getting a tattoo. I commend any man who does henna. I've been trying to talk my husband into letting me do him since he had to have his leg shaved for a surgery!