paint, draw - or draft
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Posted by Eliz. on February 06, 2000 at 17:10:44:
In Reply to: Re: Deluxe Paint .... or freehand posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on February 06, 2000 at 16:09:02:
If you're looking around for programs and you're *not* all that steady with a mouse, I'd suggest looking for a "drafting" program as well as a "painting" program. (When I used my mac, I had "superpaint" that did both.) The drafting program lets you create separate elements, adjust them, move them, then group them and such. The handiest function is a "freehand" curve - you click in several points, and it draws a smooth curve through them. In a drafting program, you can even (usually) grab and move the points to adjust the curves. In contrast, a paint program usually edits individual pixels (dots). This is wonderful for fine editing and cleaning up, but frustrating for someone like me with an unsteady hand on the cursor. I suspect most modern programs have a combination of the two - MS Word has some drafting capabilities, even. Sources for freeware & shareware: tucows.com (but don't search on "draft" - try "paint".)