What do we call ourselves?
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Posted by Lisa on February 20, 2000 at 16:44:53:
Hello everyone! I hope that February is finding all of you well. I have been wondering about this for awhile, and as the new show season approaches I would like to put an end to the wondering and come to a conclusion! I have been an 'artist of sorts' for several years now. This is the 'label' I have chosen to use. There is much talk about 'fine art' out there, but I haven't been able to pin down just what the consensus is, or what the qualifications are to be listed under the 'fine art' category. Some of the shows I have been to, well-let's just say they leave me wondering about this elusive label: 'fine art' I have seen henna referred to as a 'fine art' Does it depend on who and where you are? Who amongst us calls themself a 'fine artist'? Could you tell me why? (This seems like a forward and personal question sort of, maybe something I should already know?) I need some feedback on this one. I also am a mosaic artist, a jewelry designer, and textile artist, the latter which sounds better than a tie dyer! Hee Hee. Henna work seems to power out other works at shows because everyone makes such a big deal about it. Thanks everyone, have a great day. Oh, and if you are looking at jewelry pics on my site, these are not my best works, I am getting copyrights on my better designs before they go up, I really do make nicer stuff than this! : )