Re: what is Kathha / Kattha power?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 21, 2000 at 15:07:56:
In Reply to: what is Kathha / Kattha power? posted by kali on February 21, 2000 at 14:42:33:
Last I got a product description, Kattha was made of betel, which has a vast amount of tannin. It can add an orangey-red quality to your henna, if your henna isn't otherwise up to much. Henna powder's color is usually, but not always, a predictor of quality. I have some bright green henna that gives a mediocre stain, but an olive green henna that stains wonderfully. Dry grass color henna sounds like it's gotten stale from exposure to heat, air and light ..... and stale henna is no good at all. Clove powder and clove oil really do help your henna if it's gotten tired! Clove has gallotannic acid, which is a close cousin of hennotannic acid, the dye component of henna. Be careful with clove though, it can irritate some people's skin! I have instructions on getting the best color out of your henna .... easily and inexpensively .... email me if you want the "dark henna rant". Heat and an overnight wrap, and an acidic paste are crucial. If you really can't locate fresh powder in stores near you ( and all of us have had that problem!) ... there are some great sources of henna powder that is fresh and dark staining on the internet .... much more reliable than wondering how long the henna powder has been sitting around on a store shelf or in a warehouse before that.... my favorite for plain, fresh henna powder that gives deep burgundy-brown stains is linked below: I can email you jpgs of the color I get from it....