ornaments and Sirius expenses
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 22, 2000 at 14:39:30:
In Reply to: Re: you could talk about Arabic some more...... posted by Kenzi on February 22, 2000 at 03:39:26:
There are a couple of references that indicate that if a man (not the woman's husband) noticed that her hands were hennaed .... say during the course of a conversation .... she felt justified in having a hissyfit, as if his mind were straying onto naughtier things. And when Iran was at it's most conservative recently, any woman who was not recently a bride seen with hennaed fingertips got muttered about. It would be nice if the Sirius Henna Conference had the budget to hire speakers ..... maybe someday it will. Presently, Sirius Rising as a whole has just enough $ to pay for two or so of our best concerts, and everyone else who presents and performs just does it for love, and the waived camping fee. That does keep Sirius Rising inexpensive, $12 a night camping for regular folks ... so it's an accessible inexpensive vacation.