Re: How much henna?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 28, 2000 at 14:52:44:
In Reply to: How much henna? posted by Rupal on February 26, 2000 at 04:33:43:
I certainly hope you can write your henna book! The two major works that discuss henna traditions from India (the two you sent me) suffer terribly from one problem : men wrote the books, and they rarely or never asked the women how THEY felt about the henna. In Jogendra Saksena's book, he never quotes a woman henna artist what she has in mind when she applies the patterns, and he never quotes a woman who has henna applied why she has it done or how she feels about it! (IMHO, he has a tendance to dismiss women as pretty, brainless, submissive things .... with nary a thought in their head except to please their husbands .... ) A book that tells how women feel about henna in a traditional setting ... without putting words in their mouths .... would be truely wonderful! I'm about ready to send my 18 page henna book outline to get copyrighted so I can shop it around to publishers .... (looks like it will max out at 600 - 750 pages, 2 or 3 volumes ....) but it's got an entirely different perspective that what you have in mind. Mine's history and traditions back to the neolithic period, tracing the spread of the belief system that featured henna as a marker for women's fertility and luck across 9000 years and 40 countries. It's long on archaeology, art history, sociology, anthropology, literature .... that sort of a thing. I don't know if I have anything that would help you, but you generously helped me before, so you're welcome to pick my brains if they're of any use to you!