How much henna?
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Posted by Rupal on February 26, 2000 at 04:33:43:
Hey guys -- I want to buy henna wholesale from Amy@castleart and I wanted to see if it is a good investment b/c I don't do henna too often up at school. I am out of nice henna right now and would like to use a good source for customers (and as a college student I am always looking for good deals). How long can Amy's henna last; every time I get a kilo I notice that it is an IMMENSE amount of henna and I'd need at least to purchase at least 2 kilos to get the henna wholesale. Everytime I get a kilo from India it takes me forever to get rid of it; I anticipate doing more henna this semester if I manage not to be doing organic chemistry and history of science reading all the time (okay, so I won't get to do henna too much this school year). So what else is going on with me and henna? I'd like to start researching to write a book about henna; probably not a user's guide but maybe a semi-academic source on the meanings and purposes of henna. This will probably take a lot of research and a couple of years, but I feel like it will be fun. What would be completely awesome would be to do ethnographic research in villages in India. Wishful thinking, I know. But maybe time can freeze for a little while so I can just go and do anything, and then I can mosey on back to get to med school. ~Rupal