Teaching a course on henna!...
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Posted by Nick on March 01, 2000 at 19:38:59:
Hello! First of all, I would like to thank everybody who gave me advice on Al Muhajabat Henna. You were very helpful! Second, I will be teaching a 5 day workshop on mehndi this summer. I am VERY excited!! I would like to know if anybody has any advice on teaching about this stuff? Also, I need to know where I can get ( or brands of ) deep staining henna for fairly cheap. If I bought my usual stuff, I would end up paying over $100 for materials, and since I am a teenager, I do not have this kind of money! There are several brands I have been considdering. They are: Afshan mehndi henna powder, packed by Ahmed food international, Mohini mehndi, and Mumtaz Al Aroosa Please let me know how these brands work, if you have tried them. Your advice will be appreciated! Also, I have written a front page article on Mehndi for my school newspaper, email me if you want a copy. I would love to know what you think! Thanx so much!