Re: Teaching a course on henna!...
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Posted by Kree Arvanitas on March 03, 2000 at 21:02:52:
In Reply to: Teaching a course on henna!... posted by Nick on March 01, 2000 at 19:38:59:
Hello Nick - I have tried just about every brand of henna mentioned in this Forum. I have had very good luck with imported Moroccan henna, but it does need to be sifted. However, if you want REALLY PREMIUM, triple-sifted super fresh henna powder, check out the link below, Body Arts in Ojai, California. They are super nice people and will give you tons of advice over the phone, too. I have never gotten a bad batch of henna from Body Arts. Advice about teaching a class -- do an outline, with an estimate of how long it will take you to present each part. Keep the historical stuff to about 1/4 of the length of the class (especially with younger folks). Bring lots of visual aids. I have a fold-up display with pictures I've collected and laminated. I have a variety of tools from around the world and I have samples of different hennas. One little trick I do is put little piles of about 6 different kinds of henna on a tray, ask everyone to sniff, touch, smell, and venture a guess on which is the "good" henna. Tactile is good! I also do NOT do henna on anyone in class (except for a quick demo for tools)! The idea is to get your students enthused about doing it. I teach how to break down the complex designs into simpler patterns so the Indian designs don't look so intimidating. Most of all - have fun! If you enjoy doing it, your students will, too. Good Luck! : Hello! First of all, I would like to thank everybody who gave me : advice on Al Muhajabat Henna. You were very helpful! Second, I will be : teaching a 5 day workshop on mehndi this summer. I am VERY excited!! I : would like to know if anybody has any advice on teaching about this : stuff? Also, I need to know where I can get ( or brands of ) deep : staining henna for fairly cheap. If I bought my usual stuff, I would : end up paying over $100 for materials, and since I am a teenager, I do : not have this kind of money! There are several brands I have been : considdering. They are: : Afshan mehndi henna powder, packed by Ahmed food international, : Mohini mehndi, and : Mumtaz Al Aroosa : Please let me know how these brands work, if you have tried them. Your : advice will be appreciated! Also, I have written a front page article : on Mehndi for my school newspaper, email me if you want a copy. I would : love to know what you think! Thanx so much!