try something like a dry attic
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 03, 2000 at 00:37:27:
In Reply to: Are Henna leaves sensitive to light and air during drying? posted by P.J. on March 02, 2000 at 23:48:46:
I can tell you that henna leaves are dried in a shaded airy place about the same as tobacco leaves and most other herbs are dried. I wish I knew more. Shakers in this part of the country threaded plucked herb leaves and hung the garlands in their airy, warm, dry attics. there, the herbs dried very quickly, and kept their fragile oils and acids intact. I can't help you more than that though ... in the drying sheds in India and Iran I've seen, looks like low light, low humidity and maybe 95F with good air circulation was desirable.