Re: Jeddah, Eden, Eve, and spoiling a brand new fig leaf
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Posted by Anne on March 03, 2000 at 21:43:23:
In Reply to: Jeddah, Eden, Eve, and spoiling a brand new fig leaf posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 03, 2000 at 17:34:46:
Ya know, this makes a lot of sense. I got hooked on henna when I saw a woman's hennaed hands in a National Geographic article on...Saudi Arabia. Coincidence? I think not. ;-) --Anne, who defied the unspoken rule of no body art on a teacher in school and left her brace at home (but her henna stains are so faint now you'd have to be *very* close to see them) : Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is by lore, the place Eve went to to meet Adam. : (His ex, Lillith, having packed her bags and split). I suppose that : makes Jeddah where Eden is supposed to have been, and some have : thought Eden was hedged by Camphire (henna) trees .... in any case, : Jeddah has planted more than 8 million trees, many of them henna : trees, which must make it wonderfully Eden-like when they're in bloom!