Re: Jeddah, Eden, Eve, and spoiling a brand new fig leaf
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Posted by henna - teaching - design on March 04, 2000 at 15:23:49:
In Reply to: Re: Jeddah, Eden, Eve, and spoiling a brand new fig leaf posted by Anne on March 03, 2000 at 21:43:23:
: --Anne, who defied the unspoken rule of no body art on a teacher in : school and left her brace at home (but her henna stains are so faint : now you'd have to be *very* close to see them) Congratulations for getting away with it! I may have figured out a way around the issue for myself - it's possible to use your hand as a sundial (might as well practice a bit and just use the sun, but what the heck) - there's even a bit of historical information on it. The hard part is remembering what part of the hand is supposed to be what time. But a sundial is really just a radial design - sound like prime candidate for henna? Then, if the students get distracted, they're still distracted by the subject I'm teaching.