Re: who's game for some serious answers?
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Posted by Lise Anderson / Andalusia on March 23, 1998 at 14:52:18:
In Reply to: Re: who's game for some serious answers? posted by Thanya on March 22, 1998 at 05:33:02:
: I also think that this is an interesting idea and will share my : process once I get some litmus paper. I think the salt idea is also : interesting. I'm curious to know more about Kattha, or black lime. : Does anyone where exactly to buy it? I suspect it may be the missing : ingredient that I'm looking for. It keeps popping up in different : places, so I went looking for more information on it. At first, I : thought it was a citrus, and discovered that it was a mineral, as in : limestone. I found a book today which I highly recommend entitled, : "What's in Your Cosmetics?" by Aubrey Hampton, and published by : Odonian Press. It is a guide to natural and synthetic ingredients : used in many cosmetics. According to Mr. Hampton, calcium carbonate : is a salt found in limestone, is used often as a pigment and pigment : extender, and is not known to be toxic. Calcium carbonate should not : be mistaken for calcium hydroxide, or limewater, which is highly : toxic. Does anyone else know about this, or what calcium carbonate is : used for? : Anyway, it's a possible direction to explore. I'll need obtain : some better understanding of chemistry to figure this out properly. : We're going to have some fun now! Best wishes to all. I have used Kattha for the last year in my homemade henna -- finally ran out, decided to try it without kattha -- found little difference -- it seems to me that the most important ingredient is the henna powder itself, and how fresh it is !! No additive will make old henna have a better color. I sent Phoenix and Arabeth to the store where I got my kattha originally, when they get back they're going to try it and report back -- hopefully they'll report their findings here on the board (although they've been scarce here lately...)