Re: who's game for some serious answers?
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Posted by Thanya on March 22, 1998 at 05:33:02:
In Reply to: who's game for some serious answers? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 21, 1998 at 04:19:12:
I also think that this is an interesting idea and will share my process once I get some litmus paper. I think the salt idea is also interesting. I'm curious to know more about Kattha, or black lime. Does anyone where exactly to buy it? I suspect it may be the missing ingredient that I'm looking for. It keeps popping up in different places, so I went looking for more information on it. At first, I thought it was a citrus, and discovered that it was a mineral, as in limestone. I found a book today which I highly recommend entitled, "What's in Your Cosmetics?" by Aubrey Hampton, and published by Odonian Press. It is a guide to natural and synthetic ingredients used in many cosmetics. According to Mr. Hampton, calcium carbonate is a salt found in limestone, is used often as a pigment and pigment extender, and is not known to be toxic. Calcium carbonate should not be mistaken for calcium hydroxide, or limewater, which is highly toxic. Does anyone else know about this, or what calcium carbonate is used for? Anyway, it's a possible direction to explore. I'll need obtain some better understanding of chemistry to figure this out properly. We're going to have some fun now! Best wishes to all.