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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 21, 1998 at 04:19:12:
Roy Jones and I were talking today about setting up a series of questions that , if everyone who regularly enjoys henna answers, we might get some serious answers about how to get good predictable results......Here's series of of questions: If you take 2 heaping tablespoons of your fav henna powder (please list what the brand is) ( if everyone starts with the same amount of powder, that'll help) How much acidifier do you add? What acidifier do you add? What else do you add? How much of that do you add? What temperature do you let it sit at? How long do you let it sit? Do you do anything to prep your skin? How long do you let the henna sit on your skin? Do you remoisten the henna as it was drying, and if so, with what? Do you paint something over the henna to fix it? What is that? How warm is the room temperature and what is the humidity? Did the henna dry quickly or slowly? Do you cover your henna with somethinwhild it is drying? What color did that create on your fingertips, palm, wrists, boobs? Did you do something to the skin after you scraped the henna off? How did that affect the color? How long did the color last? If many people try to do exactly the same thing, and answer exactly the same questions, we may get fome informative results! Can we get some followups? If you can also get litmus paper and find the ph of your skin, and the ph of your paste, that will help!