Re: The best henna to buy...
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Posted by Carrie on March 07, 2000 at 06:52:25:
In Reply to: Re: The best henna to buy... posted by jenna on March 07, 2000 at 02:08:52:
: Carrie, : I was wondering, what is the special additive they give you to put in. : Most companies list the ingredients, do they? : Jenna In addition to the nice fresh finely sifted henna powder they give you, there is a small bottle of "Earth Henna Solution" that contains water, glycerin, black walnut extract, benzyl alcohol, sugar sorbitol, citric acid, eucalyptus oil, disodium EDTA (which is food grade salt) and lactic acid. I have personally talked to Carine Fabius about the ingredients list and there is nothing in here that can hurt anyone. These ingredients are federally approved for food products. Except maybe the black walnut extract, but that you can get as a natural remedy at a health food store, though I'm not sure what ailments it might be for. I know it gives a bit of a brown kick to the color. I've never, ever had anyone get any reaction to this stuff. And the little squeeze bottle that comes with the kit is great! Carrie