Re: Lemon/Sugar turns my Mehndi into muck???
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Posted by Cietta on March 26, 1998 at 15:59:40:
In Reply to: Re: Lemon/Sugar turns my Mehndi into muck??? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 26, 1998 at 01:28:02:
Thanks for the tip - I just mixed up 2 batches of henna last night to experiment with, so I'll let you know how it goes. I tried the FAQ recipe on this page. The other batch is just lemon with eucalyptus oil. I know my henna is rather old, but until my technique gets a little better - I might as well use it up. Since we have quite a few good Indian stores where I live, could people please list brand names that they really like working with? Yes, I do realize that all you out there are trying to make a living, but so are my neighbors. I appreciate all your help and support and will try to only ask questions or add information that will be of benefit to a wide variety of people.