Essential Oils
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Posted by SeeSee on March 25, 2000 at 10:56:57:
In Reply to: newbie question posted by renee' on March 25, 2000 at 09:04:17:
Eucalyptus and clove oil are essential oils. You can purchase them at almost any health store. Look a selection of oils that are not all priced the same, because some oils require more complicated extractions, and you are not getting a quality item if you pay the same amount for all of them. One tiny bottle will last you forever. Store them somewhere dark that will not stink up your whole house and cap them tightly (I am getting pretty sick of the smell of cloves myself :). Do not use more than a couple drops in your recipes. The safest way to avoid any burning or allergic reaction is to mix a few drops of essential oil into a spoonful of carrier oil such as olive, almond or even vegetable oil. These oils are not necessary for good colour but they will boost the performance of a second-class henna powder. Remember to test for allergies on everyone, even yourself, before use.
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