Re: The New Skin Band Wagon
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Posted by Jeremy Rowntree on March 30, 2000 at 11:45:18:
In Reply to: The New Skin Band Wagon posted by Lisa on March 30, 2000 at 11:21:08:

: How do you guys get this stuff off?? Opinions vary hugely on the whole NewSkin topic. I find the spray too difficult to remove, which is why I use the liquid version. Some say that the spray comes off with the latex if you cover in that too (wait for the spray to dry, then dab on liquid latex - I find the very watery stuff works best). You can always try what the spray says - spray on some more and rub, but I reckon it costs too much to use this way. Otherwise, one friend suggests that showering before removal can soften the whole multi- layer package (latex, NewSkin, henna), making it easier to remove. Yes, that's right - you can shower safely if you use latex over the NewSkin. I even once opted for putting latex back over the design just after henna removal. Seemed to work just fine. So, get the liquid version and see if you like that better. Only catch is it takes much longer to apply than the spray. Cheers, Jeremy P.S. The picture above (taken this morning) shows just a few tiny bits of liquid NewSkin round the edges. Whole thing only took about 10 minutes to clean up. I just used a little bit of soapy water and my fingernails.
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