The next day
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Posted by Jeremy Rowntree on March 31, 2000 at 09:34:35:
In Reply to: Re: The New Skin Band Wagon posted by Jeremy Rowntree on March 30, 2000 at 11:45:18:

Since the first picture (link below) seems to have created such interest, I thought you'd all be interested to see the effect of one day's heat on the colour. I usually have quite warm hands and am rewarded with a significant darkening over the first day or so. Note also the variation in colour across the palm, which I think is down to different degrees of skin thickness and callousing. I'm sure Alex is now beaming from the compliments her henna work has been getting. In the midst of all this, I realise I forgot to credit Catherine for the design. See Lineart Page 12 in the What section.
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