Re: Neat Concept

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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 03, 2000 at 18:52:46:

In Reply to: Neat Concept posted by NaturGirl on April 03, 2000 at 15:54:16:

Natasha's got absolutely right ....

Double check, triple check, quadruple check your licensing, permits,
taxes and all first! Beauticians hereabouts must have lots of
permits, pass classes, study hard, and take exams before they can put
chemicals on people (I'd like to thank them for all the help they've
given me on the chemistry of henna, ppd, and suchlike). Make sure
that those permits aren't required of you when you set up henna.
Local governments haven't figured out quite what to make of henna yet.

A shop can be a set of wings or concrete galoshes ... I don't know
what you need ... only you know if being in a shop will be wonderful
or not.

Put yourself into some high pressure henna situations .... so you can
work on speed, concentration and accuracy ... and make sure you have
absolutely reliable results. If there's a problem .... everyone in
that shop will hear it when the client comes back with a hissyfit
(whether or not the mishap was your fault!)

Check your legals, check your money, check your grace under
pressure..... if you've got it, go for it!

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