Re: new skin & latex
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 18, 2000 at 22:18:20:
In Reply to: Re: new skin & latex posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 18, 2000 at 22:09:28:
I forgot one of your questions.... on myself, I do a thorough dry, NS spray, then TP, then plastic wrap, then tape. I don't do both latex and wrap .... I do latex instead of wrap, and use it in situations where it is either too hot to wrap, or very inconvenient because of the body part to wrap. (Latex over NS'd hennaed breasts, with a dusting of body glitter is actually sort of charming! The ladies who had that done recently got very decent color and pristine detail, too! The NS and latex combination was quite accomodating to the inherent woobliness of the territory, and the latex didn't seem to be dislodged by a sweatshirt going back on when it was all dry, though I did advise them to try to take good care of their boobies overnight.)
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