Re: Henna for hair and a few questions
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on April 26, 2000 at 09:18:07:
In Reply to: Henna for hair and a few questions posted by TashaM. on April 26, 2000 at 04:50:26:
Do lots of test strands. Permanent hair dyes often have metal salts that can react with henna, creating a greenish cast. And unfortunately, permanent hair dyes are permanent. So, if you don't want to cut off the dyed part, test, test, test first. If you like the results, then go for it. Henna coats the hair -- it's translucent, not opaque, so whatever the color is underneath the henna will show through. However, I think it's fairly natural for the ends to be a few shades lighter than the roots, as long as it's a gradual transition. Good luck!!!!
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