Citrus oils not so dangerous!!!
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Posted by Anna Beltestad on May 04, 2000 at 14:12:17:
In Reply to: OOH! Citrus oils are dangerous!!! posted by nick on May 03, 2000 at 13:33:22:
Hold on. ALL essential oils should be used in moderation, first of all. I have been doing aromatherapy for over five years now, and feel I can speak from a relatively informed perspective. I have NEVER heard this about any citrus oils EXCEPT bergamot. As a rather pale-skinned person who burns easily, I simply avoid using this oil in large doses, or in the summer. However, lemon essential oil (which is the same strong-smelling stuff that gets on your hands when you squeeze a lemon, just more concentrated) seems harmless, though again, IN SMALL DOSES. Ditto for orange, tangerine, etc. Careful when you spread this kind of info; this is exactly what chemical companies WANT us to think so that we have to use artificial products. The current near-ban on Pennyroyal essential oil, which helps my menstrual cramps better than anything, is due to misinformation. We can't afford to demonize our plant allies, but we should use them wisely and with respect. Peace, A : Oh JEEZ! I just read that Citrus oils, when used on the skin, make skin become very sensitive to Ultraviolet sun rays. (thus causing skin cancer) I read that a couple of people here use lemon oil in their henna, and I thought I should warn you. A bit scary, huh?
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