Results on my frozen henna paste
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Posted by Kris on April 03, 1998 at 07:51:32:
Well, I did think twice before posting this message. Some people seem to be getting annoyed with some of the post around here, but I thought I would take the chance incase someone was interested in what happened to my frozen paste. I froze about 3oz. of fresh henna paste 2 1/2 weeks ago and it came out pretty well. The paste kept its "shape" and the color was still really good. I'm glad I tryed it, because sometimes I make too much for a festival and hate to throw it out or just use it on my hair. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I usually wrap my mehndi in guaze to keep the body heat in and the color is always a nice dark red color. ( and no itching!!) Good luck to all and to the people who believe in a higher " source", keep me in mind Fri, Sat, and Sun. I am working a festival and hoping alot of people will want a mehndi blessing!!