Re: Results on my frozen henna paste
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 03, 1998 at 18:31:57:
In Reply to: Results on my frozen henna paste posted by Kris on April 03, 1998 at 07:51:32:
Thanks so much for posting your results! In the last 30 years that Roy and I have peen professional craftsmen (ceramics and textiles) we've always tried new stuff every day. Granted, what goes out to clients and galleries and museums is the tried and consistant formulas, (be it glazes, dyes, fabrics or henna) and not the experimental...when someone's paying, we go for consistancy and reliability... but the day we stop experimenting and trying new things in a meduim, someone needs to check our pulse. Some things work, some don't, and even Julia Child tries new recipes! ( and sometimes she, too, fries up a disaster,)How ya' gonna' grow if you don't muck about some? I'd have a go at your frozen henna, but I've gotten so fond of what it does for my hair, there may never be any leftovers. Best of luck to you this weekend! Peony blessings to you for wealth, lotus blessings to you for tranquility and perfect compassion, and coyote blessings to keep you laughing at the foolishness in yourself and the world around you!