Re: Nostalgia and catharsis
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Posted by Zahira on May 14, 2000 at 23:14:42:
In Reply to: Nostalgia and catharsis posted by Babaganooj on May 14, 2000 at 20:54:56:
I hope that my inside account of the women's hair removal support groups is informative but not all revealing. My first sugaring party took place many years ago in the home of a lovely lady by the name of Jawaria. We became acquainted as a result of numerous questions on my behalf, concerning Henna. I was immediately intrigued, and she was willing to share her knowledge. Having lived in both the US and Egypt for many years, she offered a very interesting view of life as a Muslim, a woman, and a mother. On the occasion of a sugaring party, as you said Babaganooj, the men were ousted and the doors were closed. I think sugaring was chosen for aesthetic as well as feminine reasons, CCJ. The women that attended the parties seemed to share a complete dislike for body hair on the arms, legs, and underarms. They considered it unattractive and from what I could gather, unclean. Henna was not always the reason for the parties. Many times, the henna parties were planned for a separate occasion, shortly after the sugaring. The parties were generally planned for every 28 to 30 days and they lasted most of the afternoon, sometimes, well into the evenings. I found it interesting that timing of the parties seemed to follow a cycle. Like henna parties I had attended, the atmosphere of the sugaring parties were festive and relaxed. There was music, tea, coffee,food and quite a bit of discussion. It was a time to relax, laugh, cry, and strengthen the bonds between us as women. Of course, this was also a time for us to share our secrets, hopes, dreams, and desires. Many of these things not shared with the men in our lives. I am not sure what the experience might have been like in the past, or outside of the US, but the experience of us coming together as women for a day of our own, was timeless and priceless. I hope this helps. This is only my experience; if anyone else has attended a sugaring party, please let me know what it was like for you. Zahira Hanan
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