Re: 20 rupees not 20 dollars
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Posted by Theadora on May 15, 2000 at 19:20:28:
In Reply to: 20 rupees, not $20 posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on May 15, 2000 at 16:06:53:
Well now that makes a little more sence! i am laughing so hard I can barely type,thought something was weird! .Yes I will in fact buy the whole line up indeed. Thanks Catherine, Theadora : Don't Panic. Their prices are all in rupees, not dollars. : There is a currency conversion in their shopping cart program! You'll : find the books are only $1 to $2 each after the conversion! : All 24 books will set you back less than $40 depending on the exchange : rates. Between your credit card and their shopping cart program that : will all get straightened out nicely. Buy them all! Sell off to : grateful henna artists any you don't want. Those books ARE THE : BEST!!!!
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